[Shut In] – Short Film Project


A spirit and a teenage girl from two different worlds come together with friendship until the agony of separation visits them.

Love beyond boundaries


Being confine in a house for Sam’s entire life until she experience the beauty of a real friendship with a newly moved in girl named Tessy. Not a single day pass without laughter but it can’t last forever. One wanted to try to break free while the other wanted to stay in forever causing a fight between the two friends. A mystery unsolved while they push and pull leading them to a secret letter that solves everything.


SAMANTHA (18) – A teenage spirit growing up being confine in a house with her single mother. Sam was raised with full of a mother’s tenderness love but one thing that gets mother turns into a furious monster when Sam asked why is she not allowed to go outside the house. Being implied since young by her mother, Sam never attempt to even step a foot outside. Without the light from the world, Sam remains shut in with depression and insecurities. She gets a chance to be a friend when a new girl moved in her house but they belong in different dimension.

TESSY (18) – Appearing anti-social, Tessy has the kindest heart with a strong curiosity that never got unleashed. Tessy has been independent since young while her parents were always away from home. Tessy’s cheerfulness knows no boundaries that could even light up Sam’s world that build the bond of their friendship.

MOTHER (28) – A mother who losses her sanity due to the loss of her child. She soothes her sadness with an attempt to kidnap a child resembling that once was hers. She raises Sam with full of love but guilt and fear makes her to confine Sam to never leave her sight. Her psychotic love killed her and her child again.

Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro

Devices: Samsung S4 Voice Recorder, iPhone 6 Voice Recorder, Nikon D3300, Nikon D5200, Nikon D5300

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